Q&A with Faisal Galaria: Blippar launches Webar SDK

We’re very excited to share the launch of our latest technology development, WebAR SDK, with the world. Since pioneering WebAR in 2016, we’ve been focused on giving more developers access to powerful tools to realise their creative visions, and the WebAR SDK toolkit is the next step in that journey.

We sat down with our CEO, Faisal Galaria, to understand more about the journey to launch WebAR SDK, and what it means both for Blippar and the wider AR industry.

What is WebAR SDK?

“WebAR SDK is our next step toward making AR truly ubiquitous, and empowering creatives and developers to innovate using the technology. For those with developer level skills in JavaScript and HTML, WebAR SDK is a powerful content creation toolkit that allows them to build bespoke AR campaigns and experiences from the ground up and publish them to be across a huge range of platforms, from browsers, AR glasses to Facebook, TikTok, and WeChat. 

“Backed up with 24/7 support from the Blippar team to help users hone their campaigns, and including our most advanced SLAM implementation tool that firmly anchors experiences and elements in place relative to a user’s environment, developers will be empowered to explore their creativity further than ever before - and, during its beta phase, they’ll be able to do it completely free of charge.”

Why is WebAR SDK so important for Blippar, and for the AR industry?

“The new toolkit is important for a number of reasons; it will empower creatives and developers to push the boundaries of AR development, helping brands and agencies in realising their visions for immersive, creative campaigns that can be published across platforms and straight to a web browser. This is something very few other companies are offering, and opens up access to AR experiences to a huge potential audience of browser and smartphone users.”

“With the introduction of WebAR SDK added to Blippbuilder and Studio B, we are now the only full stack AR content creation provider, giving those looking to leverage AR many routes to access it. We’re uniquely positioned to help brands and companies create amazing, immersive AR experiences, regardless of their current level of familiarity - from complete newcomers, to those with established in-house AR content creation teams, we have solutions in place to help them realise their creative ambitions.”

“It’s important for the wider AR industry not only because it will put creative power in the hands of developers, but also because of our work in advancing SLAM (Simultaneous Location and Mapping) for WebAR implementation. Although available more widely in app and software based development toolkits, SLAM is a rarity for WebAR, and we’ve worked hard to bring a highly accurate version of the technology to WebAR SDK.”

How does WebAR SDK tie into Blippar’s vision of the metaverse?

“We strongly believe the world - and the AR industry - is a better place with more creators pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with the technology. But there should be as few restrictions placed on this creativity as possible; no walled gardens, no tech giant monopolies, and no hardware-locked experiences. Blippar’s WebAR SDK will open up sophisticated but easy to access creation tools to a wider number of developers, from individuals to development teams working at major brands and agencies, to ensure that they can build and publish content and experiences across the different platforms that will make up the metaverse.

“This will not only mean more people and brands are producing engaging, immersive, and creative AR content - made more immersive still by our advancements in WebAR SLAM technology - but will also act as a first step toward creating the metaverse. A fully immersive, shared 3D world will only be possible if the infrastructure and tools are there to enable it, acting as a foundation to be built on. We believe that the power Blippar’s WebAR SDK will give developers is the building block needed to not only boost AR creativity in the present, but enhance its possible future.”

What is it about WebSDK you are proudest of?

“For me, it’s not only the incredible work the Blippar team has put in to create such a comprehensive toolkit, featuring our most powerful implementation of WebAR SLAM technology to date, but also the ethos we’ve released WebAR SDK under - that of business model innovation empowering the greatest number of developers to use the tools we’ve created to build and publish their experiences from the ground up, without complicated licensing fees and paywalls.

“Blippar firmly believes that AR should be for everyone, and removing barriers to access like complicated and prohibitive costs are a step in ensuring that we help make the AR world a better place by removing barriers to access for as many creators as possible.” WebAR SDK